Thursday, April 28, 2011

I Totally Paused...

Recently, I've discovered something about myself.

Other people have been pointing it out for years, but...I've been in denial.

It's hard for me to admit it...


It may be true...

I may not be the best driver.

There. I said it.

Let me just clarify though that I have NEVER been the cause of an accident while driving. I've been hit by others, but never have I hit others.  Also, until last year I've NEVER had a ticket. I've always gotten out of them. Until Florida...and then Pennsylvania...and then I may have been pulled over a couple other times as well...

Now, before you start cracking the blonde jokes, or female driver jokes just know that I Probably COULD be a good driver if it weren't for a few bad habits:

1. I love car dancing. Sue me, but it makes me happy.  I mean I don't usually dance when I'm in the car alone...sometimes...but not usually. And really this shouldn't even be a bad habit because who isn't guilty of a little car dancing now and then?

Case in Point Click Here for a previous car dancing post

Unfortunately, this habit has a tendency to scare some people riding with me, which is a shame cause then they don't join in.

2. I like speed.  I am used to driving in TX where the speed limits are normal and about 15 mph faster than most other states. For me, driving 55 mph feels like I'm moving at a snails this to understand:

3. I can be guilty of the ROLLING STOP. It's like a cross between a YIELD and a STOP.
It looks something like this (Fast forward to 56 sec.) also, it's an excuse to relive the 90's with this
Clueless clip:

Translation: The rolling stop really means "I totally paused" - Cher Horwitz

Turns out the rolling stop can get you in a lot of trouble.  Well, this and being from Texas. 

There I was on a perfectly good day driving about a block from my place when bad driving habit #3...the rolling me in trouble.  Next thing I know, sirens are blaring behind me. 

I quickly pull over, bat my eyelashes in utter innocence, and proceed to hand officer friendly my license and registration.

After making me wait approx. 30 minutes he comes back with a warning in hand.

PHEW! I've dodged this one...or so I thought.

Officer friendly hands me my warning and tells me that he's going to let me off the hook.


And then it happens...he hits me with a few doozies- 2 tickets and court date.

Turns out my records indicate I've lived outside of TX for almost 2 years now and I still have a TX driver's license- BAM- Ticket #1.

Also, I didn't have a county property tax sticker on my car -BAM -Ticket #2.

Then, he explains the court date. I'm thinking I just have to show proof that I've gotten a new license and a county sticker on my car. NOPE. I have to physically go to court and explain to them why I still had a TX license and show them proof that I've submitted the forms for my new license.

I knew this would probably happen one day. But I wasn't quite ready to give up my TX license. 

'Cause really, I'm just a TX girl at heart that's been transplanted on the East Coast. My heart belongs in TX...but...sadly my driver's license doesn't anymore...

1 comment:

Pablo said...

If its any consolation, they just punch "void" in your old license, you still get to keep it :-)